Monday 6 October 2014

Proficient tips for twitter progression by didier grossemy

didier grossemy, who is one of the world's most famous internet marketing expert tells in this article some powerful tips for twitter promotion, following which you can make your business success happen in no time.
to start with, didier grossemy ask this thought provoking question that
Seventy-three percent of Fortune 500 companies have Twitter accounts. Brands with the largest followers include Google, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines,
Walt Disney, Verizon Communications, Coca-Cola, American Express and Nike. Do they need to work to increase their Twitter following? Of course they do.
Otherwise other brands would be on top. As a small business, however, one needs to strategize and take smart steps to build your brand.
according to didier grossemy, those who are wondering why you should bother having a page on Twitter, then consider the fact that these brands are on Twitter even though they are popular throughout the world.
didier grossemy tells that It is worth the effort of building your brand on Twitter, no matter how popular or unfamiliar your brand is.

Now that you are all set to start your Twitter promotions, here are some powerful tips by didier grossemy to help you achieve maximum brand exposure on Twitter and earn customers.

1. Crafting Tweets:

according to didier grossemy, You do not have to plan every tweet in advance but to kick start your Twitter promotion you will need a strategy to tweet certain messages in a certain
way in order to garner follower attention.

 2. Write a Compelling Twitter Bio:

didier grossemy tells from his personal experience of working with various brands and online marketing assignments that If you want to gain followers on Twitter in order to grow your brand further, you need to convince people to follow you based on the content in your Twitter
bio. The space is restricted to just 140 characters, so Twitter allows you to post a web link in your bio. You can post a link to your website, your blog
page, an author bio page, or a custom Twitter landing page.
here are some pointers by didier grossemy for an effective bio in your twitter profile:
- Twitter bios appear in search results on google. Make sure you insert the right keywords in a readable form.
- The keywords that you're choosing  must be popular search terms and not technical jargon.
- Make your bio a short explanation of what your company does, in simple and easy to understand words.
- Do not make it a sales pitch.
- Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.

3. Enhance your Twitter Page’s Appearance
according to didier grossemy, Your brand is a reflection of your business ethics and your brand page appearance on Twitter contributes to this in many ways.
didier grossemy believes that a good appearance on twitter is highly important or you may lose your client's trust.
here are some quick pointers that didier grossemy tells for enhancing the twitter appearance:

- Use a high quality picture of your logo as your profile picture. Didier grossemy specifically tells that there is no problem to  use your face as your profile picture to give it a human touch. For
instance, if you have given public appearances in conferences and seminars or appear in local TV ads, it is best to use your own picture as a representative
of your brand. If you do use your picture make sure it is a head shot so that your face is seen easily in the profile picture thumbnail.
- If your logo contains words, make sure they are readable in your thumbnail profile picture.
- Grab the attention of your followers with a stunning header image, a newly introduced Twitter feature. The ideal dimensions of the header image should
be 1252px x 626px for optimal viewing on all devices.
Customized Twitter Profile
- Personalize your Twitter background design with the color and theme of your brand. You can use custom designs available on  Twitter  or on external sources such as  Twitbacks.

 4. Choose an appropriate time

 didier grossemy is in an opinion that Tweeting a very intriguing  update at a bad time means that your efforts are futile, as the majority of your audience will miss it.
what time works best for your tweets of course depends on the geography and demography that you're catering to.
If you are too busy to tweet manually on right times, there are several tools that you can use  for maintaining your twitter accounts and allow to schedule the posts on the time you would like this to be posted.

5. Know Your Followers:

from his years of experience in the industry, didier grossemy has found that Unless you know who your target audience is on Twitter, you cannot build a successful Twitter promotion strategy. didier grossemy lists  some tools as a wealth of advise, using which you can expect  maximum engagement with your followers and foster your brand's image, reputation and sales.
• Follower wonk:
In the free version of this tool, you get to see and compare who follows your competitors and who your competitors follow. You are required to tweet about
the tool for a free sign up.
• Monitor:
With this tool you can see Twitter mentions of your competitor brands. You can also search for three keyword mentions at a time in different search columns
on the same web page.
• Mention map:
A free tool that helps you track your brand or keyword mentions on Twitter.
• TweetBeep:
Gives you hourly updates of conversations that mention your brand name or keywords.
• TweetReach:
This free tool lets you analyze who mentions your competitor’s brand the most.

6. Keep an eye on your competitors’ Twitter strategy.

didier grossemy tells that If your competitors are good at building their social media audience, learn from their Twitter pages.
Luckily you do not have to follow them to see their tweets, just look at the Twitter pages that your competitors follow and the pages that follow them.
Go through these Twitter pages to see if there is anything you could do differently from them to woo your audience.   Come up with ideas to set your brand
apart from your competition on Twitter.
didier grossemy tells some pointers, using which you can do so:

- You must not sound overly promotional on social media. This is easy to say but difficult to deliver. Tweets can be both promotional and non-promotional
and a smart and organized mixture of the two will help keep your followers’ attention. So, if you are promoting a coupon, an offer or simply new products/services,
go ahead tweet about it. However, make sure you also offer some useful information in your tweets, like a tip of the day. Plan the ratio of promotional
and non-promotional tweets that you would like to deliver in a week.
- The time of day you tweet is important to keep in mind. You do not want to miss an important category of followers that may re tweet you because of bad
timing. If these followers are available when you are not able to tweet, use one of the social media management tools
to schedule your tweets.
- Follow others in your industry (preferably ones with many followers) and retweet them with a mention of their name. Start your tweet with RT @username.
You can find these influential tweeters in your niche by doing a  Twitter  search for keyword hash tags or through social media management tools such as
Tweet deck, Hoot suite  or other tools such as  Listorious.
- Plan the number of tweets you want to deliver on a regular basis. Tweeting too much looks like spammy behavior, while tweeting inconsistently may make
your profile inactive. Didier grossemy  suggest tweeting once daily.
- didier grossemy observed from his own personal experiences  that Tweeting for business is not effective during weekends, unless it is a holiday-related tweet. Schedule your tweets accordingly.
- witty tweets are made viral instantly. Add some humor to your tweets whenever relevant.

using these powerfull tips for twitter promotion, you can make sure to increase your brand's visibility on twitter, your tweets being retwetted and your business receiving drastically increased sales in no time.

Do you really want to be known as a brand that doesn't want to serve a certain group of people? Ask didier grossemy any of your doubts and he is often more than happy to help.
there are various ways you can get in touch with didier grossemy.

Didier grossemy Official website:
didier grossemy youtube channel:
didier grossemy twitter handle:

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